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60 Minutes Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

60 MIN, $120.00

This is an Hour Teeth Whitening Session which consists of being under the LED blue light for 4x 15-minute intervals during the 1-hour session.


Results - The results will vary by the person however you are guaranteed at least 2 shades whiter but most people go 4-8. Yet your teeth will continue to whiten up to 48 hours after the treatment. The results can last up to a year depending on your eating and drinking habits. A 6-week Touch-Up session is available to enhance your results.


Tooth Sensitivity - This treatment is safe on sensitive teeth, and is not a painful process. 


Crowns, Caps, and Veneers - This procedure is safe for Crowns, Caps, and Veneers, and stains will be removed during whitening, returning to their original colour. The peroxide gel will not whitten (or damage) artificial dental work. 


Who is eligible for Teeth Whitening - This treatment cannot be used by pregnant or lactating women, people under the age of 16, people with gum disease, open cavities, leaking fillings, or other dental conditions, or people with a known allergy to peroxide. People who have had braces removed should wait at least 6 months for cement residue to wear off before receiving a teeth whitening treatment. 



Avoid eating or drinking anything but water for 60 minutes after treatment 

Avoid coffee, tea, coke, wine, berries, tomatoes, chocolate, and dark-colored liquids/foods for the first 24 hours after treatment. 

No smoking for at least 24 hours after treatment. 

Do not use whitening toothpaste daily. 


Go White Teeth Whitening Gel Pen is available for purchase for $45.00 

6 Week Touch-Up Session for $60.00

(403) 675-4569

905 6 Ave, Canmore, AB T1W 2X5, Canada

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